How to fold Tetra-Paks

taken from:
Munich Mailbox Press - Title: Umweltschutz (Muh?)
20.07.1991 - Nr.23 - Author: Thorbjörn Hansen (tH)
RED: R.Neumann & A.Winterer

Step 1 of folding algorithm

        |               |             /\
        |               |            /  \
  ===>>>+---------------+<<<===     +----+
 bend   |               |  bend     |::::|
 flap   |          (__) |  flap     |::::|
 up-    |          (oo) |   up-     |::::|
 wards  |   /-------\/  |  wards    |::::|
        |  / |      |   |           |::::|
        | *  ||----||   |           |::::|
        |    ~~    ~~   |           |::::|
        |               |           |::::|
        |               |           |::::|
        +---------------+           +----+

Step 2 of folding algorithm

press the front and back of the carton together (map 2a). The sides showing an image of a cow will get in contact then. The topside is also compressed, but the carton's foot will remain horizontally (i.e. orthogonal to the front and back side). At the bottom of the carton you'll see a prism-like shape. The carton should look like the one in map 2b.

         |               |                    /\
         |               |                   /  \
 Press   +---------------+            ===>>>+----+<<<===
 onto    |X             X|         press    |::::|
 the     |          (__) |                  |::::|
 points  |          (oo) |                  |::::|
 marked  |   /-------\/  |                  |::::|
 by "X"  |X / |  X   |  X|            ===>>>|::::|<<<===
 from its| *  ||----||   |                  |::::|
 front   |    ~~    ~~   |                  |::::|
 and     |               |                  |::::|
 back    |X             X|         press    |::::|
         +---------------+            ===>>>+----+<<<===

  +-------------------+                    :
  |:|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|:|<<<=== this is      :
  |-+---------------+-|  the former        :
  |:|               |:|   topside          :
  |:|          (__) |:|                    :
  |:|          (oo) |:|    Front- and  ==>>:
  |:|   /-------\/  |:|    back touch      :
  |:|  / |      |   |:|    each other      :
  |:| *  ||----||   |:|                    :
  |:|    ~~    ~~   |:|                    :
  +-+---------------+-+  this is the       +
   \|               |/ <<<=== former      / \
    +---------------+    ground          +---+

Step 3 of folding algorithm

        +-------------------+                  :
        |:|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|:|                  :
        |-+---------------+-|                  :
        |:|               |:|                  :
        |:|          (__) |:|                  :
        |:|          (oo) |:|                  :
  fold  |:|   /-------\/  |:|  fold     fold   :
  here  |:|  / |      |   |:|  here     here   :
  for-  |:| *  ||----||   |:|  for-     to the :
  ward  |:|    ~~    ~~   |:|  ward     left   :
  ===>>>+-+---------------+-+<<<===     ===>>> +
  and    \|               |/   and            / \
  upward  +---------------+  upward          +---+

    +-------------------+             :
    |:|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|:|             :
    |-+---------------+-|             :
    |:|               |:|             :
    |:|          (__) |:|             :
    |:|          (oo) |:|             :
    |:|   /-------\/  |:|             :
    |:|  / |      |   |:|             :
    |:+---------------+:|            *:
    |/|***************|\|            *:
    +*|***************|*+            *+
     \|***************|/             *:
      +---------------+              *:

Step 4 of folding algorithm

    +-------------------+       :
    |:|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|:|       :
    |-+---------------+-|       :
    |:|               |:|       :
    |:|          (__) |:|       :
    |:|          (oo) |:|       :
    |:|   /-------\/  |:|       :
    |:|  / |      |   |:|       :
    |:+---------------+:|      *:
    |/|***************|\|      *:
    +*|***************|*+      *+
     \|***************|/       *:
      +---------------+        *:
      ^ fold both     ^
      ^   sides       ^
      ^ backwards     ^

 -----------------      --+-----------+--  fold     +-+
 |^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|      |:|^^^^^^^^^^^|:|     ===>>>|:|
 +---------------+      |:|-----------|:|  this     |:|
 |               |      |:|           |:|  side     |:|
 |          (__) |      |:|__)        |:|  here     |:|
 |          (oo) |      |:|OO)        |:|           |:|
 |   /-------\/  |      |:|\/-------\ |:|           |:|
 |  / |      |   |      |:| |      | \|:|           |:|
 +---------------+      +:| ||----||  |:+          *|:|
 |***************|      |\| ~~    ~~  |/|          *|:|
 |***************|      |:+           +:|          *|:+
 |***************|      |/             \|          *|/
 +---------------+      +---------------+          *+

Step 5 of folding algorithm

        -----------------          --+-----------+--           :
       1|^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^|         1|:|^^^^^^^^^^^|:|           :
fold   2+---------------+  fold   2|:|-----------|:|           :
toward 3|               |  toward 3|:|           |:|    fold   :
the    4|          (__) |  the    4|:|__)        |:|    to the :
 ===>>>5|          (oo) |   ===>>>5|:|OO)        |:|     ===>>>:
front  4|   /-------\/  |  back   4|:|\/-------\ |:|    left   :
here   3|  / |      |   |  here   3|:| |      | \|:|    here   :
       2+---------------+         2+:| ||----||  |:+          *:
       1|***************|         1|\| ~~    ~~  |/|          *:
        |***************|          |:+           +:|          *+
        |***************|          |/             \|          *:
        +---------------+          +---------------+          *:

 here     5+-|-----------|-+    5+-|-----------|-+    /^\
    ===>>>4|:|        (--|:|    4|:|\/-------\ |:|    : :
 you see  3|:|           |:|    3|:| |      | \|:|    : :
 a bit of 2|:|-----------|:|    2+:| ||----||  |:+    :*:
 the      1|:|vvvvvvvvvvv|:|    1|\| ~~    ~~  |/|    :*:
 back      +-+-----------+-+     |:+           +:|     *+
           |***************|     |/             \|     *:
           +---------------+     +---------------+     *:

Step 6 of folding algorithm

Put the "tongue" below the former foot (map 6a!)
NOW YOU'VE GOT IT! If you did it all right, your carton should look like the one in map 6b.

                    ^                          /\
                   : :                         ::
 Fold this   ===>>>: :                         ::
 "tongue"          :*:                        *::
 behind the        :*:                        *::
 ground             *:                        * :
                    *:                        * :
        ground===>>>*:                        **:

This construction is shockproof and robust. It will resist the strongest handling and WON'T ROLL UP ITSELF! (tested by DIN-MOOH 34251.) Laboratory experiments have shown that methods without the use of the folded "tongue" didn't have satisfyingly results.

  +-|-----------|-+    5+-|-----------|-+      /\
  |:|        (--|:|    4|:|\/-------\ |:|      ::
  |:|           |:|    3|:| |      | \|:|      ::
  +---------------+    2+:| ||----||  |:+     *::
  |***************|    1|\| ~~    ~~  |/|     *::
  +***************+     |:+           +:|     * :
  |***************|     |/             \|     * :
  +---------------+     +---------------+     **:

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