PC: The Funniest Lines
Best sayings out of TRASH-BOX, collected by CINDY@TRASH.
As many do, he works with PCs at his job and privately with A M I G A ! !
The Funniest Lines
Here is a collection of Lines. You can use any of them in your
signatures files. This list will be updated regularly. Enjoy...
"640K ought to be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates, 1981
"If you can't make it good, make it LOOK good." - Bill Gates
"I believe OS/2 is destined to be the most important operating
system, and possible program, of all time." - Bill Gates, 1987
"OS/2 is destined to be a very important piece of software. During the
next 10 years, millions of programmers and users will utilize this
system." Bill Gates, 1988
"In fact, I don't think 7-11s even take coupons. I should check that
out..." - Bill Gates, 1992
"While we liked developing Windows applications, we never inhaled."
- Philippe Kahn, 1992
"New GUIs from IBM and NeXT make Windows look old hat."
- Datamation, 1992
" Why are manhole covers round?
How many gas stations are there in the U.S.?"
- Interview questions asked by Microsoft, 1992
(Dos + Windows + ATM) < OS/2 2.0!
2.0 is better than 1.
Air conditioned environment - Do not open Windows.
Bugs come in through open Windows.
Dogs crawl under gates, software crawls under Windows!
Don't be held back by yesterday's DOS! Try today's OS/2!
Dos: Venerable. Windows: Vulnerable. OS/2: Viable.
Scanning for Viruses...Windows Found! Please Remove.
DOS=HIGH? I knew it was on something...
Double your drive space! Delete Windows!
Friends don't let friends use Windows.
Have you crashed your Windows today?
He who laughs last uses OS/2.
How do you make Windows faster? Throw it harder!
How do you spell relief? OS/2!
I don't do Windows, but OS/2 does.
I love running Windows! NOT!
I smashed a Window and saw... *OS/2*
I use OS/2 2.0 and I don't care who knows!
If at first you don't succeed, work for Microsoft.
If Windows sucked it would be good for something.
If you want it done right, forget Microsoft.
It takes 2.0, baby, it takes 2.0...
MASOCHIST: Windows SDK programmer with a smile!
My best view from a Window was through OS/2.
One man's Windows are another man's walls.
OS/2 2.0: Taking the wind out of Windows.
OS/2 in '92!
OS/2: Bill Gates' worst nightmare!
OS/2: Logic, not magic.
OS/2: Not just another pretty program loader!
OS/2: The choice of the next generation.
OS/2: Windows done RIGHT!
OS/2: Windows with bullet-proof glass.
OS/2: The human way of Computing!
OS/2: Your brain. Windows: Your brain on drugs.
See the Future; See OS/2. Be the Future; Run OS/2.
The best way to accelerate Windows is at escape velocity.
The sad thing about Windows bashing is it's all true.
To whom the gods destroy, they first teach Windows...
Turn your 486 into a Gameboy: Type WIN at C:\>
Wait for OS/2 2.0 - the best Windows tip around!
Walk through doors, don't crawl through Windows.
What I like about MS is its loyalty to customers!
What's so great that people are switching to Windows?
What?!? DOSSHELL *isn't* supposed to be a joke?
When DOS grows up it wants to be OS/2!
Why look thru Windows? Open the door to the future: OS/2
WindowError:001 Windows loaded. System in danger.
WindowError:002 No error . . . yet.
WindowError:003 Dynamic linking error. Your mistake is now in every
WindowError:004 Erronious error. Nothing wrong.
WindowError:005 Multitasking attempted. System confused.
WindowError:006 Malicious error. Desqview found on drive.
WindowError:007 System price error. Inadequate money spent.
WindowError:008 Broken window. Watch for glass fragments.
WindowError:009 Horrible bug encounterd. God knows what has happened.
WindowError:00A Promotional literature overflow. Mailbox full.
WindowError:00B Inadequate disk space. Need 50 meg minimum.
WindowError:00C Memory hog error. More ram needed. More! More!
WindowError:00D Window closed. Do not look out.
WindowError:00E Window open, do not look in.
WindowError:00F Unexplained error. Please tell us how it happened.
WindowError:010 Reserved for future mistakes
WindowError:014 Nonexistent error. This cannot really be happening.
WindowError:015 Unable to exit windows. Try the door.
WindowError:016 Door locked. Try control-alt-delete
WindowError:017 Keyboard locked. Try anything you can think of.
WindowError:018 Unrecoverable error. System destroyed.
WindowError:019 User error. It's not our fault. Is not! Is not!
WindowError:01A Operating system overwritten. Terribly sorry.
WindowError:01B Illegal error. Do not get this error.
WindowError:01C Uncertainty error. Uncertainty may be inadequate.
WindowError:01D Unable to figure out our own code. System crashed.
WindowError:01E Timing error. Please wait. And wait. And wait.
WindowError:01F Reserved for future mistakes
WindowError:020 Error recording error codes. Remaining errors lost.
Windows 3.1 - The Best $89 Solitaire Game You can Buy!
Windows = Training wheels for OS/2!
Windows = Turn a 386/25 into a 4.77 Mhz XT
Windows is a pane
Windows is great if you can make it work.
Windows is to OS/2 what Etch-a-Sketch is to art.
Windows isn't crippleware: it's "Fuctionally Challenged"
Windows NT: From the makers of Windows 3.0!
Windows NT: Vapourware of the desperate and scared.
Windows NT? New Technology? I don't think so...
Windows NT? Want to run it? Check IEEE Spectrum "TERAFLOPS GALORE."
Windows: A View to be Killed.
Windows: an Unrecoverable Acquisition Error!
Windows: From the people who brought you EDLIN!
Windows: Just another pane in the glass.
Windows: The CP/M of the future!
Windows: The Gates of hell.
Windows? Homey don't play that!
Windows? WINDOWS?!? Hahahahahehehehehohohoho...
Windws is ine for bckgroun comunicaions
You're throwing it all out the Windows!
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