McSquirrel's HP v.14.2 at
mcsqu.gif (2.271 bytes)


This is
(replaces )
(replaces )
My University homepage: HERE
  UPDATE! Datei-Datums-Änderer v1.5 UPDATE!
 - ändert das Dateidatum/-zeit von Dateien und Verzeichnissen unter Windows

  McSquirrel's HTML-Kurs
 - mein gaaanz einfach erklärter HTML-Kurs für Anfänger

   - a TETRIS clone with eternal gameplay (Java-Applet or Download)
 - ein Wettbewerb der Stiftung Warentest für 13-20-jährige.

Download my German Milka Song (6.5 MB, 192kb MP3 with CD-quality), a parody on a commercial trailer on German TV.

McSquirrel's News Flash:
-this website was finally updated on 14-Oct-2001 18:00 CET
-HTML/XHTML code is now clean (,
  but there is still a bug in the frameset I'm working on
-Rapax page has a new design
-18-Oct-2001 (18:00 CET): "scornfully pic" of the Rapax had to be censored
-12-Jan-2002 (20:00 CET): update from v.14 to v.14.2 (see history for changes)
-14-Jul-2002 (21:00 CET): my new "WebStreet" has been opened
-25-Aug-2002 (19:00 CET): my self-composed Milka Song (6.5 MB, 192kb MP3 with CD-quality) is available for download
-14-Feb-2003 (19:30 CET): uploaded my German HTML tutorial
-27-Feb-2004 (16:00 CET): uploaded DDA v1.2, a German tool for changing date and timestamp of files under Windows.
-13-Mar-2004 (13:00 CET): my Mail Form has been updated.
-17-Mar-2004 (17:30 CET): uploaded McTris the Game, a TETRIS clone (Java, MS-DOS).
-08-Aug-2004 (19:15 CET): updated the Amiga link page.
-13-Mar-2006 (14:05 CET): added Counter 1.0.
-17-Mar-2006 (13:00 CET): Changed the welcome pages
-22-Oct-2007 (16:30 CET): uploaded DDA v1.3, a German tool for changing date and timestamp of files under Windows.
-03-Feb-2009 (00:30 CET): moved permanently to
-15-Mar-2009 (20:00 CET): uploaded DDA v1.4, a German tool for changing date and timestamp of files under Windows.
-18-Oct-2009 (13:30 CET): uploaded DDA v1.4.1, a German tool for changing date and timestamp of files under Windows.
-11-Aug-2013 (18:30 CET): uploaded DDA v1.5, a German tool for changing date and timestamp of files under Windows.
-02-Feb-2014 (15:00 CET): uploaded DDA v1.6, a German tool for changing date and timestamp of files under Windows.
-27-Feb-2017 (23:00 CET): moved permanently to